Hokey Religions And Ancient Weapons Are No Substitute For A Good Blaster On Your Side Kid
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
But how does this work in a union controlled place like NJ????
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Capital flight
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Facebook Censors Navy SEALS to Protect Obama on Benghazi-Gate
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Monday, October 29, 2012
Bug out bag ideas
Or when you are on the go and you have to eat and you have to cook here is cool little mess kit that is easy to assemble. (Click pic for link)
The only difference is that I would include the CRKT Eat'N ZTool. (click pic for link)
That's why we need a candidate that will make the hard decisions.
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snoop lion
Watch "Blacks For Romney" on YouTube
It's called slavery and the democrats love it.
You see it in Bloomberg's soda ban, but it's much worse than that. Democrats live to be in control and really don't want to take responsibility when their policies fail their constituents. Check out this article with video from Brietbart. They know that they have been failed by the democrats. http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/10/26/Exodus-Inter-City-Blacks-Fleeing-Obama-Democrats
"Over the past few weeks we have begun to see the ultimate unraveling of support for the president, with women and youth fleeing from his side. But what is even more surprising and perhaps unimaginable to the president and his faithful media cult is that he is now also losing members of his normally deemed base of support ;poor, inner-city black Americans."
You can only lie to the people so long till they get wise to your shenanigans.
Tam brings the snark and explains why republicans are their worst enemies
View From The Porch: Fool me three-hundred-fifty times, shame on me...
Friday, October 26, 2012
Impeach him now!!!
"In short, it seems President Obama has been engaged in gun-walking on a massive scale. The effect has been to equip America’s enemies to wage jihad not only against regimes it once claimed were our friends, but inevitably against us and our That would explain his administration’s desperate and now failing bid to mislead the voters through the serial deflections of Benghazigate." Read the rest here:http://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/oct/22/the-real-reason-behind-benghazigate/ allies as well.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
How to start a fire with water
The Outdoor Adventure: Can you start a fire with water? - with video:
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Sunday, October 21, 2012
It's time to let him go
What's even funnier is that the leftist blogs have already taken this out of context.
Scott Adams Blog: Firing Offense 10/17/2012
Saturday, October 20, 2012
This should piss you off
"Now we discover we had drone surveillance of the attack as it happened and did nothing. Maybe we were concerned about innocent civilians protesting a video getting hurt"
Report: Unmanned Drone Observed Benghazi Terror Attack, Did Nothing: “They stood and they watched and our people died” | Jammie Wearing Fools
Friday, October 19, 2012
Bush had weapons of mass destruction
But they have weapons of mass deception
CNN and The Obama Administration – Weapons of Misdirection | The Last Refuge
Wanna be an American hero???
Be the first to shoot one of these birds down.
DHS to start testing drones over US for 'public safety' — RT
But does she wear brown shoes???
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Teach your wives and daughters to defend themselves!!!
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Tuesday, October 16, 2012
That's because it's not really "free trade"
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Wastebook 2012!!!
Think Mitt will call him out on this tonight???
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What's the most annoying sound in the world???
and the thing that should piss us all off is that now they are going to be shipped to every major city.
LRAD Sonic Weapons To Be Deployed “Throughout” America For Crises | Global Unrest:
They are worried about something, otherwise they wouldn't feel the need to arm themselves like this against citizens....
HT to Wirecutter
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Who is this Justin Charters Kid anyways???
From the country formerly known as "Great"
No shooting magazines for sale to under-14s | This is Cornwall:
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UN Arms Trade Treaty Lives
"Each State Party shall take all appropriate legislative and administrative measures necessary to implement the provisions of this Treaty and designate competent national authorities in order to have an effective, transparent and predictable national control system regulating the transfer of conventional arms."
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Time: Candy Crowley's 'Moderator Role Under Scrutiny – Before the Debate' | NewsBusters.org
Time: Candy Crowley's 'Moderator Role Under Scrutiny – Before the Debate' | NewsBusters.org: "Sources say both campaigns are preparing their candidates for the debate under the assumption that Crowley might play a bigger role than either they or the Commission want or envision. At the same time, some officials familiar with the deliberations of the campaigns say they hope that by publicizing the expectations for what the moderator should do in the town hall session, and making public the language in the MOU, Crowley will be less likely to overstep their interpretation of her role. One key source Sunday afternoon expressed confidence that, despite Crowley’s remarks on CNN, the moderator would perform on Tuesday night according to the rules agreed to by the two campaigns."
But now I can't get this song out of my head....
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What the Frack!!! You are using plastic pipe!!!
It be like watching a WNBA game.
"They aren't permitted to ask each other questions, propose pledges to each other, or walk outside a "predesignated area." And for the town-hall-style debate tomorrow night, the audience members posing questions aren't allowed to ask follow-ups (their mics will be cut off as soon as they get their questions out). Nor will moderator Candy Crowley."
Sunday, October 14, 2012
We're #1!!!
In spreading sperm and democracy around the world...
Do Countries Import Sperm? - mobile wiseGEEK
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Starkist is still mammal free...
Bubble Bee tuna.... Not so much...
Bumble Bee tuna plant employee dies after accidentally being cooked in oven - Whittier Daily News
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Biden's smile
You know that million dollars that Bill Maher gave Obama and then Obama proceeded to go out and spend it all on weed just before the last debate, well Biden just had to much of the electric Kool Aide that he and his boss have been trying to make us drink. It was laughable, like watching a drunk, almost entertaining, but you hope the drunk will regret his actions in the morning.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Oh shit....
Are you sure they didn't just open their mouths and this is what came out??? So who left a Giant manure pile dumped at local Democratic headquarters in Ohio - Daily News???
What you do instead of doing something
The democrats in Chicago want to put a "violence" tax on firearms and ammunition to pay for gun shot "victims" who are admitted to the hospital. Wasn't Obamatax supposed to pay for that?!?!?
Today in Violence Prevention: The Chicago Violence Tax and Inner-City Farming - The 312 - October 2012 - Chicago
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Big Bird doesn't want to be used by Obama
Sesame Workshop To Obama Campaign: Leave Big Bird Out Of It : It's All Politics : NPR:
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Isn't this ironic???
Maybe he thinks cruise ships run on coal???
No knock raids need to be stopped!!!
You notice that he basically said that this never happens. But the SFGate was smart enough not to say that:
Police apologize for drug raid at wrong Utah home - SFGate: ""I saw them going through the door, crashing through the door," he recalled. "There were guns and flashlights going everywhere, (and police) telling them: 'Get down. Get down. Get down.'""
Just think how scary it was for a poor 76 year old lady who now has to get her own lawyer to tell the cops that she wants to left alone. But how often does this happen??? Well the CATO institute was kind enough to build a map to show how wide spread the problem is.
A police officer is basically a citizen, so maybe if they punished as citizens and had some personal responsibility we could put an end to this senseless violence???
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"Those who sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither"
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I am not an expert on copyright law, but this doesn't seem right
Your right to resell your own stuff is in peril - Jennifer Waters's Consumer Confidential - MarketWatch:
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In the name of love???
Hammer time???
No its Stop!!! because we are the TSA and we told you to, not that they have to power to do that, but they want you to stop!!!
Bizarre TSA ‘Freeze’ Security Drill Caught on Camera | No Silence Here:
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Sunday, October 7, 2012
Saturday, October 6, 2012
I smell a rat
"The government — via people like Obama — used laws to force banks to make a bad decisions, and then reacted in horror when those banks began to stumble. Obama's ideas almost destroyed America, and now he's claiming he's the lone candidate who can save us from that same destruction. This is insanity."
Bombshell: Obama Created Subprime Loans As Lawyer | Washington Times Communities
" In 2009, the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department deployed an LRAD against people going to a town hall meeting."
LRAD Sonic Weapons To Be Deployed “Throughout” America For Crises | Global Unrest
Going green seems like a good way to waste money... Taxpayers money
“How many more government funded ‘green’ programs have to fail before the taxpayers demand this type of wasteful spending stops” asked Kropf. “They’ve spent 40% of their tax dollars and they have reached only one tenth of one percent of their main goal”
Corvallis gets Porker Award for Climate Showcase failure
Because Homeboy sights have a purpose
Because these now have a purpose, but I still won't advocate them. Even after reading this. The Reason Why Gangsters Shoot Their Guns Sideways
Stupid greedy 1%
The Gormogons: Math: What the President Does Not Get
"During the debate, President Obama crowed that he did not raise taxes on 97% of small business owners. Mitt Romney explained to him, to the President’s obvious discomfort, that the 3% who suffered the tax hike actually are responsible for 50% of all small business employees. Fact-checked, and true."
A Yankee travels to a free state.
And he calls it Bizarro World. Have a good trip Jay, I think today is the day he donates his stash to locks of love as well...
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Did Obama start off last night's debate with a lie???
I am sure it's just a
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Doctors, Romans, Countrymen.... Grow me an ear!!!
Derek Valcourt explains with doctors’ help, her own body has replaced what an aggressive form of cancer took away.
You don’t have to tell Sherrie Walters her story sounds like science fiction.
“No, I feel like an experiment,” Walters said."
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Tuesday, October 2, 2012
For those of you to lazy to draw it up yourselves
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Isn't beer just sunshine mixed with water???
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This seems easier than storing a bunch of propane
Root Simple: A Rocket Stove Made From a Five Gallon Metal Bucket:
And then here is a something special for the preppers out there....
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How's that drug war working???
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/stratfor-the-us-works-with-cartels-2012-9#ixzz28CDQEizc
Which would shows a double edged sword that the Obama regime has used against us as citizens to take away our gun rights and to keep the flow if drugs in the United States. Which has been a bloody battle as seen here in a UniVision report shown here:
So where do we go from here??? We learn from the Cato Institute that "It seems pretty clear by now that Calderón acknowledges drug legalization is the only sensible alternative to the mayhem in his country, which has cost the lives of almost 60,000 people in the last 6 years. In his final speech to the UN General Assembly, Calderón once again encouraged the United States to explore all the alternatives, “including the market alternatives,” to deal with drug consumption."
Yep that's right, Calderón is taking the advise of good old Milton Friedman and when you think of it, just imagine all of the money and lives we will save because what we do now is not working period!!!
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The Single-Issue Libertarian Case for Romney and I am guilty of being a single issue voter
The Volokh Conspiracy » Ted Frank: The Single-Issue Libertarian Case for Romney: "One can point to individual unhappy results from Republican-appointed justices, but it is a mathematical certainty that Obama-appointed justices will flip the Court on these critical issues of the rights of individuals against the government—none more critical than First Amendment protection for political speech. Once that falls, the game is over and libertarians have lost permanently. This alone is a dispositive libertarian case for Romney, even before one gets to the difference between a Romney and Obama on economic freedom and regulation."
Do you think we could buy some buy some time by voting for Mittens??? Some think so and I am starting to agree.
HT Sebastian
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You can even check out the Wikipedia page in Gun Safety and search for the word water or shooting over water or into water and you will find nothing, but if you look on the back of your newly bought cartrige box you will fin explicit instructions to not fire into or over a body of water.
From the local news station we learn of a guy as the story says: "A sheriff's report says the man told deputies he fired a shot into the Deschutes River on Sunday afternoon but the bullet ricocheted off a rock and hit him in the temple. When he scratched the spot with his finger, he says the bullet fell out of his head and into the river." We what was behind this guys target was a rock. I don't know how many times I have been shooting along the canals in Yuma, AZ or in my back yard into the pond when I lived in the woods, so this gives us all something to think about and and if you don't think its real or predictable, here is an example of how predictable a ricochet could be:
Happy and safe shooting everybody!!!!
Monday, October 1, 2012
You can almost see the saran wrap
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That's why he is not running on that platform in 2012
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The big take over!!!
"To understand how extensive this is, the Western Center for Journalism published a list of “Obama’s Worst Executive Orders” asserting that some 900 Obama executive orders had been initiated when in fact Obama has signed 139. However, added to active EOs from previous administrations, the Center is correct in its fears that he is "creating a martial law ‘Disney Land’ of control covering everything imaginable.” And then the list follows...
But then I learn from Guffaw that the actual number is only 135 which by itself is a pretty big number, plus he has a pretty good take on it.
I tell my liberal friends to vote for Jill Stein
Not Happy with the Two Front Runners? Pick from the remaining Field… « Guffaw in AZ:
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What happens when you try to pay in silver dimes???
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