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Hokey Religions And Ancient Weapons Are No Substitute For A Good Blaster On Your Side Kid
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Monday, October 1, 2012
Uh Ohh!!!
I seriously gotta rethink my head wear!!!
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Ask me no questions and I will tell you know lies...
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I agree with Bill Post on this one
But how does this work in a union controlled place...
Capital flight
Facebook Censors Navy SEALS to Protect Obama on Be...
FEMA is a waste
Bug out bag ideas
I could list everything, but you might as well jus...
Where Mcdonalds french fries come from
That's why we need a candidate that will make the ...
snoop lion
It's called slavery and the democrats love it.
Gubbmit motors
China doing what the Obama campaign couldn't do
First they come for the climate scientist
Impeach him now!!!
I am sure the Animals made better parents
How to start a fire with water
It's time to let him go
This should piss you off
It's not just taxes...
Bush had weapons of mass destruction
Wanna be an American hero???
But does she wear brown shoes???
Something to put in your Bugout bag
But they didn't have enough money to pay for decen...
Teach your wives and daughters to defend themselve...
That's because it's not really "free trade"
Wastebook 2012!!!
Everything You Need To Know About the War on Drugs...
Think Mitt will call him out on this tonight???
This is how the debate should be done.
What's the most annoying sound in the world???
Who is this Justin Charters Kid anyways???
From the country formerly known as "Great"
UN Arms Trade Treaty Lives
Time: Candy Crowley's 'Moderator Role Under Scruti...
Some great carry and survival gear
What the Frack!!! You are using plastic pipe!!!
It be like watching a WNBA game.
We're #1!!!
Starkist is still mammal free...
Biden's smile
Test post
Oh shit....
What you do instead of doing something
Big Bird doesn't want to be used by Obama
Wasn't the Wildwood weeds, was it......
Isn't this ironic???
Maybe he thinks cruise ships run on coal???
Is this why it's hard for people to take Republica...
That lens better be bullet proof...
No knock raids need to be stopped!!!
"Those who sacrifice liberty for security deserve ...
I am not an expert on copyright law, but this does...
Like the "justice" dept is gonna do anything about...
Because it would suck to survive a disaster only t...
This is also how the left buys votes as well
I smell a rat
The left is picking up on the 3rd party debate ide...
Kenny is always right it seems
If you don't eat your meat, you can't have any pud...
Prepping and communication
" In 2009, the San Diego County Sheriff’s Departme...
We should have cut their aid years ago
Those slimey snakes in the grass
Who need books when you have an R2 unit
Going green seems like a good way to waste money.....
Because Homeboy sights have a purpose
Monty Python and a Chris Matthews meltdown
OMFG!!! These people vote
Stupid greedy 1%
A Yankee travels to a free state.
Did Obama start off last night's debate with a lie???
Doctors, Romans, Countrymen.... Grow me an ear!!!
This better than the Obama free phone lady!!!
For those of you to lazy to draw it up yourselves
Isn't beer just sunshine mixed with water???
Costco would would replace it no questions asked....
This seems easier than storing a bunch of propane
How's that drug war working???
The Single-Issue Libertarian Case for Romney and I...
Col. Jeff Cooper USMC gave us the four rules as fo...
Schools going full Wookie
You can almost see the saran wrap
That's why he is not running on that platform in 2012
Uh Ohh!!!
Don't as don't tell, I don't think you would have ...
The big take over!!!
I tell my liberal friends to vote for Jill Stein
First they came for the smokers...
What happens when you try to pay in silver dimes???
Now this is just backwards
My Blog List
The Gun Blog Black List
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Knuckledraggin my life away
And I'll leave you with this:
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Johnny Optimism
What Real Diversity Is
Massad Ayoob
DaddyBear's Den
Today’s Earworm
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Cracked: All Posts
5 of the Most Important Poops in History
Captain Capitalism
Clippings from "Zero World Problems"
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
Show 72 - Mania for Subjugation II
Nobody Asked Me...
What’s next???
Sheriff Jim Wilson
The Right Habits: Your Personal Defense Depends on It
Everyday, No Days Off - Gun Blog
How An AR-15 Works
Shall Not Be Questioned
The New Resistance to the 2A
Guffaw in AZ
American Deli Menu Prices (Updated January 2022)
Black & Right
Pandemic: MLB Umpire Blown Calls Are Costing Teams Their Seasons
Extrano's Alley, a gun blog
There Will Be A Slight Hiccup, hiccup, hiccup With The Alley
Cato Unbound
Of Groups, Intersections, and the People Who Inhabit Them
The Humble Libertarian
Happy Easter Everyone!
The Squirrel Report
The Squirrel Report – 355
Light blogging
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They grow up so fast
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On Helping
Vicious Circle
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A little note (and maybe some hope?)
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Episode 24 – Effigy Rising!
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Rick Emerson
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